
Welcome to My Journey of writing

Hi, I’m Traci. Thank you for visiting my blog page. I pray that you are inspired by each post to search for the tiny pearls of wisdom in your life, and find a little courage to write about it along the way!

It’s All Perspective

On 9-11-01, my brother called me and yelled, “Traci, tell Mommy and Dada I’m ok, and I will call as soon as I can – they didn’t answer the phone!!”Confused, I replied, “Wait, what happened??”“Turn on the TV! I’m ok, but I have to go!” My brother was in New York on business and had…

Why I’ve Learned to be a Quitter

Quit while you’re ahead? Maybe…but sometimes you need to quit to get ahead! I recently read a book about character and personality traits. It was a psychology-based reference book geared to helping writers develop believable characters. As I read through the summaries of several basic adult personality types, I found a little bit of myself…

Character is Everything

Your story…? As important as it is – it is not always your story, but your character that will make an impact on others. ********** In my 8th or 9th-grade year, I read Charles Dicken’s “A Tale of Two Cities” with my English class. The story resonated with me and I remember finishing the book…

Expect the Unexpected

Have you ever felt as if you could never live up to the expectations some people have for you? It’s not the feeling of not being good enough, but more of a sense that you are not who they think you ought to be. Yesterday, a phone conversation of gospel artist Kirk Franklin was leaked…


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